An integrated repository for industrial ontologies and OTTR templates: The READI use case




Our presentation will describe how requirements management in capital industries can benefit from ontology-based methods. Our use case is the READI Joint Industry Project in digitalised requirements for the Norwegian Continental Shelf (offshore Oil and Gas). We propose a new kind of service, integrating industrial ontologies with the templates needed to use them correctly.

READI aims to improve the specification, implementation, and verification of requirements. A particular aim is to evolve the INCOSE guidelines for writing requirements, so that recent innovations in intelligent data can be exploited. READI uses ontologies, following W3C's OWL 2 standard in the intended way, where constraints are subject to precise Description Logic reasoning. This will support and partially automate work processes, improving development and use of requirements across design and operations.

To provide a common, shared language of industrial assets and processes in the form of OWL ontologies is crucial. This requires a broad-ranging collaborative effort between subject matter experts and ontology modellers; while challenging, the approach has already been proven successful in capital projects. We obtain a clear separation between a generic vocabulary (classes and relations), requirements expressed using the vocabulary (norms as rules), and industrial assets described with the vocabulary (individual instances).

Agreement on common terminology is however not enough. We also need to ensure that the vocabularies are applied in a uniform way. To this end, READI adopts the Reasonable Ontology Templates (OTTR) language and framework. Ontology patterns are developed to match the kinds of facts that need to be formalised, then captured in OTTR templates. With a library of OTTR templates, we can secure uniformity: as ontologies are built, as they are applied to integration of existing data sources, and in analysis and reporting.

To make the ontology-based approach practical for the industry, a new kind of repository service is needed, one that provides both ontologies and the templates for using them in projects. In our presentation, we will demonstrate how READI builds a platform for such a service, compliant with web best practices including Linked Data, and exploiting the template library facilities of the OTTR reference implementation Lutra.


  • Martin G. Skjæveland is a researcher at the University of Oslo, where he leads the Ontology Engineering group in SIRIUS, a Norwegian Centre for Research-driven Innovation that addresses the problems of scalable data access in the oil &; gas industry. He also holds an adjunct position as associate professor in Data Science at the University of Stavanger.

  • Johan W. Klüwer is a specialist in industrial ontologies at DNV GL, Oslo. He has contributed to ontology development and implementation for capital projects, standards as ontologies, research and development projects, and international collaboration. He is a primary contributor to the methodology of the ongoing READI Joint Industry Project (2018-) that targets digitalisation of requirements for the Oil and Gas on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.
