Systems Engineering as the foundation for industrial domain ontologies




Model-based systems engineering (MBSE) provides an important capability for managing the complexities of system development. MBSE empowers the formalism of system architectures for supporting model- based requirement elicitation, specification, design, development, testing, fielding, etc.

However, the modeling languages and techniques are heterogeneous, even within the same enterprise system, which leads to difficulties for data interoperability. The discrepancies among data structures and language syntaxes make information exchange among MBSE models more difficult, resulting in considerable information deviations when connecting data flows across the enterprise.

Therefore, this presentation demonstrates Industrial Ontologies Foundry (IoF) systems engineering ontology and MBSE ontology which provide meta-models supporting the various architecture view formalism and MBSE formalism across lifecycle stages. In particular, knowledge graph models are developed to support unified model representations to further implement ontological data integration based on GOPPRRE throughout the entire lifecycle.


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[IOF MBSE ontology initial][

IOF MBSE ontology model generated from architecture model

IOF MBSE ontology for co-simulation



Jinzhi LU, scientist at SCI-STI-DK EPFL. Ph.D. in Division of Mechatronics, Department of Machine Design, ITM School, kth during 2014 and 2019. Currently, I am CSEP (04944), co-chair of IoF systems engineering group, a senior member of China Council on Systems Engineering (CCOSE) , co-founder of MBSEWiki in Chinese, the head of international department of China MBSE Alliance and TC member in IEEE SMC MBSE Group.

Yves Keraron founder of ISADEUS (Innovation Strategy And Digital Engineering Using Semantics) has always been involved in innovation for industry, first in the design and development of nuclear facilities, then in the technical digital information and documentation systems. Yves is an active contributor in standards and methods development and implementation for data and applications integration. Engineer from Ecole Central des Arts et Manufactures (Paris), his PhD work was on the impact of digital technologies on the couplings between technical, information and human systems. Twitter : @YvesKeraron

Dimitris Kiritsis, is Faculty Member at the Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the School of Engineering of EPFL, Switzerland, where he is leading a research group on ICT for Sustainable Manufacturing. He serves also as Director of the doctoral Program of EPFL on Robotics, Control and Intelligent Systems (EDRS). His research interests are Closed Loop Life cycle Management, IoT, Semantic Technologies and Data Analytics for Engineering Applications.